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Training Materials

CARE Act Training Materials

Addressing Implicit Bias for Behavioral Health Agencies


Provides an overview of implicit bias and examples of biases in different settings. Discusses strategies that behavioral health agencies can take to address bias in their work at individual and organizational levels. Describes how different roles involved in the CARE process can intentionally take action to manage their bias in ways that provide better support for CARE participants.


  • Karen L. Hill, PhD, ANP-C, MSN, RN, Principal, Health Management Associates
  • Deborah Rose, PsyD, Associate Principal, Health Management Associates
  • Rayshell Chambers, Co-Executive Director and COO, Painted Brain
  • Behavioral Health
  • Case Worker / Case Manager
  • Equitable & Person Centered Care
  • Other
  • Policy/Advocacy
  • Serious Mental Illness & Evidenced-based Care