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Training Materials

CARE Act Training Materials

Part 3: Data File Submission and Quality Assurance Process Overview


This training was conducted for counties who have implemented the CARE Act process. It provides an overview of the workflow for CARE Act data submission, a live demo of the data file template and how to upload it via MOVEit file transfer application, and details the CARE Act quality assurance process.

This is part 3 of a 3-part series on CARE Act data collection and reporting.

NOTE: Since the initial posting of this training, we have added a second data file template option for counties. Both templates contain the same data elements, with Option A remaining unchanged and Option B offering a more streamlined structure. Both templates are located in the MOVEit file transfer application Resource Folder. Once your county requests MOVEit access, you will receive a copy of the templates while pending access. A revised training is forthcoming.

Additional supplemental Resources provided include:


  • Cha Lee, Consultant, Health Management Associates
  • Karis Burnett, Consultant, Health Management Associates
  • CARE Act Process
  • Data Collection & Reporting