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Training Materials

CARE Act Training Materials

Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Housing the CARE Population


Revisits approaches to housing in the CARE process, including how CARE addresses housing, an overview of the Housing First Continuum, and considerations for supporting housing stability for persons with serious mental illness. Includes Cohort I County spotlights, detailing a description of the housing landscapes, challenges and potential solutions around housing the CARE population, and lessons learned. The County presentations begin at 12:47.

The training video also includes a recording of the live panel discussion that followed the live training. The panel discussion begins at 57:05.


  • Anthony Federico, MPA, MA, Senior Consultant, Health Management Associates
  • Jon Rubin, MSW, Principal, Health Management Associates
  • Charlie Newcomb, LCSW, Program Manager, San Francisco Department of Public Health
  • Nate Robbins, Neighborhood Improvement Manager, City of Costa Mesa
  • Marcus Cannon, LMFT, Deputy Director of Forensics, Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health
  • Housing/Community Supports