The CARE Act Process Flow follows the progression in Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Court Program outlined in California Welfare and Institutions Code (W&I Code) sections 5970-5987. This new civil court offers multiple pathways for eligible adults, promoting access to community based behavioral health services and supports. Eligible adults are persons with untreated schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders who meet certain criteria related to health and safety.
This CARE Act Process Flow demonstrates how a case may progress through the civil court, which covers the petition (including referrals), engagement, court process/service connection, service delivery, and assessing for reappointment or graduation.
Throughout this process there are many participating roles: the respondent, counsel, the respondent’s volunteer supporter, the behavioral health agency, and possibly other providers. The CARE Act process encourages collaboration and agreement between these participants and promotes a person-centered process.
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