Training Materials
CARE Act Training Materials

Health Management Associates (HMA) is offering trainings and open forum discussions on prioritized topics at least monthly. All Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act trainings conducted as part of this effort are recorded and materials are available for review. We will add training materials including the presentation (with notes) and recording link within 10 days after the training.
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New to the CARE Act?
View these recommended CARE Act Trainings to get started with the basics.
Pathways to Services in CARE: Voluntary Engagement, CARE Agreement, & CARE Plan
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Orientation to the CARE Act Process
Overview of the CARE Act process including the petition/referral, engagement, court process/service connection, and service delivery, as well as key roles throughout that process.
- Training Slides & Video
Pathways to Services in CARE: Voluntary Engagement, CARE Agreement, & CARE Plan
This training provides an overview of pathways to services in CARE including voluntary engagement, CARE agreement, and CARE plan.
- Training Slides & Video
CARE Act Eligibility in Practice
Overview of CARE Act eligibility criteria and key points in the CARE Act process where eligibility is documented and determined.
- Training Slides & Video
Practical Approaches to Housing for the CARE Act
Discusses housing models and funding sources for persons with serious mental illness (SMI) who are experiencing housing instability, including a discussion of the challenges.
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The Supporter Role in the CARE Act
Explores the role of a volunteer supporter through a case study and outlines the CARE Act volunteer supporter responsibilities, requirements, and components.
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Role of the Family in the CARE Process
Provides an introduction to the family role in the CARE process. Discusses the ways in which family members can participate. Details action steps for families involved in the CARE process to support their family member.
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Supported Decisionmaking & the CARE Act
Provides an introduction to supported decisionmaking (SDM), including a discussion of principles of SDM and the concepts of a decisionmaking network. Also discusses how SDM works within the CARE proceedings.
- Training Slides & Video
Supported Decisionmaking for Volunteer Supporters
Provides definitions of Supported Decisionmaking (SDM) and highlights its key concepts and principles. Outlines how to support the respondent to make their own decisions under an SDM framework.
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Maintaining Neutrality as a Volunteer Supporter
Discusses the relationship between the supporter and the respondent. Reviews the importance of fully supporting the respondent’s self-determination.
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Psychiatric Advance Directives
Reviews the background, purpose, and evidence of psychiatric advance directives (PADs). Discusses the when, who, how, and what of PADs in the CARE process.
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Overview of CARE Process for Supporters
Overview of the background on the CARE Act, roles within the process, and a high- level description of the court process.
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Addressing Implicit Bias for Behavioral Health Agencies
Provides an overview of implicit bias and examples of biases in different settings. Discusses strategies that behavioral health agencies can take to address bias in their work.
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Role of the Peer in the CARE Process
Provides an overview of how peers can participate in the CARE Act. Discusses principles and core competencies of peer workers, including strategies and resources available for peers.
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Cohort II Behavioral Health Agency Kick-Off
The virtual Cohort II Kick-Off was conducted for county behavioral health agencies as they prepare for the CARE Act implementation teams and included updates from CARE Act stakeholders.
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Overview of CARE Agreement & CARE Plan for Volunteer Supporters
An overview of the CARE agreement and CARE plan, as well as opportunities for the volunteer supporter to support the respondent.
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Housing, Services, & Supports Available Through the CARE Act: Training for Supporters
An overview of the housing and supports that may be included in the CARE process, as well as the volunteer supporter’s role in supporting the respondent with services.
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Petitioning Process – Eligibility Criteria and Court Referrals
A review of eligibility criteria and court referrals to CARE, with a focus on areas relevant to the petition process.
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CARE Act Judicial Process Overview for Counsel Training
Training providing an overview of the role and processes of the judicial council within the CARE Act.
- Training Video
CARE Act Eligibility Criteria video by Judicial Council of CA
Video walking through the seven eligibility criteria that must be met in order for someone to be eligible for services under the CARE Act.
- Training Video
Office of the State Public Defender ListServ/SharePoint Subscription Form
Form for additional training and technical assistance resources through the Office of the State Public Defender.
- Other Resources
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT): Introductory Video
Assertive Community Treatment delivers a full range of community based services to people who have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness.
- Training Video
CARE Act Training Introduction to Family Psychoeducation
Describes the what, when, and who of family psycheducation. Provides links to additional resources.
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Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Housing the CARE Population
A review of approaches to housing in the CARE process, as well as county spotlights and a recording of the live panel discussion that followed the live training.
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Series: Understanding Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
A series for professional staff (including clinical and non-clinical personnel) to better understand Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.
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Series: Trauma-informed Care for County Behavioral Health
A series for county behavioral health on trauma-informed care and managing bias.
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Series: Trauma-informed Care for Volunteer Supporters
A series for volunteer supporters on trauma-informed care.
- Training Slides & Video
Series: Data Collection & Reporting
Trainings to help understand Data Collection & Reporting requirements and processes.
- Training Slides & Video, Training Support Materials
Series: Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders & Evidence-based Care for Volunteer Supporters
This series includes information for volunteer supporters to better understand features of schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
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CARE Act Sanctions and Claiming Process
An overview of the CARE Act Sanctions process as well as a demonstration on submitting claims to DHCS to be reimbursed for CARE Act activities.
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Capacity & Informed Consent in the CARE Process
An overview of capacity and informed consent in the CARE process, as well as considerations for assessing capacity and CARE Act roles and supportive measures to encourage voluntary participation.
- Training Slides & Video